5. I found a new LDraw piece and I would like to use it in LeoCAD, how do I add it to the library? Just place the piece and all its unofficial subpieces and primitives properly in the LDraw folder (you must have the LDraw library installed to do this). Open LeoCAD, go to the Preferences Dialog (in the View menu), go to the General tab and then enter the path to the LDraw library on the Custom Library field.
这是用谷歌翻译的 5。我发现一个新的LDraw片,我想使用它在LeoCAD的,我怎么把它添加到库中?只要将一块和它的所有的非官方subpieces和原语中正确的LDraw文件夹(你必须有安装的LDraw库做到这一点)。打开LeoCAD,去“首选项”对话框(在“视图”菜单),进入“常规”选项卡上,,然后定制库“字段中输入路径上到LDraw库