float batteryDrain = getBatteryCurrent();当前电池用电量吧
float batteryLife = getBatteryVoltage();还有多少电池水平。
float timeUntilDown = getPowerDownTimer();自动关机时间。
float pd=getPowerDownTimer(); displayBigTextLine(5,"powerdown=%0.1f",pd);
float batt=getBatteryVoltage(); float bat1=getBatteryCurrent(): displayBigTextLine(3,"%0.1f%0.1f",batt,bat1);显示数字。
The x value is above 177. The y value is above 127.
displayBigStringAt(0, 16, "A");以 x y 座标显示。 从左下角为0,0;
clearPixel(50, 32);清除像素点信息。
for(inti=1;i<50;i++) { for(intj=1;j<50;j++) { clearPixel(i,j); } }
displayInverseBigStringAt(10, 20,"ROBOTC"); 像素点10,20黑底白字显示robotc. displayString(3, "ROBOTC"); 第三行显示robotc displayTextLine(3, "ROBOTC");第三行显示robotc
drawLine(10,10,167,10); drawLine(10,10,10,117); drawLine(10,117,167,117); 画个正方形。 drawLine(167,10,167,117);
drawRect(20, 107, 157, 20); 左 上 右 下。画方形 drawEllipse(10, 40, 100, 15);左 上 右 下。画圆形
drawLine(10,10,167,117); drawLine(10,117,167,10);画线。以坐标。
eraseLine(10,10,167,117); 擦除画的线。
fillEllipse(30, 97, 147, 30);画实心圆。
fillRect(55, 97, 122, 30);画实心正方形。
invertPixel(5,10); 填实像素。 setPixel(x, y);画点。
setLEDColor(ledRed); 指示灯变红色。 setLEDColor(ledOrangeFlash)橙色一直闪。 setLEDColor(ledGreenPulse)绿色闪二下。节凑。 sleep(5000);
buttonNone: No button (0) buttonUp: Up button (1) buttonEnter: Enter button (2) buttonDown: Down button (3) buttonRight: Right button (4) buttonLeft: Left button (5) buttonBack: Back button (6) buttonAny: Any button (7)
if(getButtonPress(LEFT_BUTTON)) 程序块上左边按键按下。是1 没有按是0; { setMotorSpeed(motorA,50); 设置A电机的速度50
}else { setMotorSpeed(motorA,-50); 设置A电机的速度为-50
} getTouchValue(S1)==0 取S1 按压传管器。
setBlockBackButton(1); 程序块上的返回值 不会退出程序 。。0 可以退出。
waitForButtonPress(); 等街程序块上的任意按健,程序继续运行下去。
bFloatDuringInactiveMotorPWM = true; // the motors WILL coast when power is notapplied bFloatDuringInactiveMotorPWM = false; // the motors will NOT coast when power isnot applied
getMotorBrakeMode(motorA)!= motorCoast 返回A电机不是滑行方式 getMotorBrakeMode(motorA)!= motorBrake 返回A电机不是制动方式
setMotorBrakeMode(motorA,motorCoast);设置A电机滑行方式, setMotorBrakeMode(motorA,motorBrake);设置A电机制动方式。 setMotorSpeed(motorA,100); sleep(5000); setMotorSpeed(motorA,0); sleep(50000); 重置A电机的度数为0 resetMotorEncoder(motorA);
设置a电机以50的功率,转1000度。 setMotorTarget(motorA, 1000, 50);
一直等电机转到设置的数度就结束。repeatUntil 是条件满足退出 while 是条件不满足退出。 repeatUntil(getMotorEncoder(motorA) ==getMotorTarget(motorA)) 取A电机转的角度, {
resetMotorEncoder(motorA); //resetMotorEncoder(motorD); setMotorTarget(motorA,1000,50); //setMotorTarget(motorD,-100,50);
while(getMotorTarget(motorA)!=getMotorEncoder(motorA)) ////repeatUntil(getMotorTarget(motorA)==getMotorEncoder(motorA)) { eraseDisplay(); displayBigTextLine(2,"targe=%d",getMotorTarget(motorA)); displayBigTextLine(4,"encode=%d",getMotorEncoder(motorA)); sleep(50); }
if(getMotorRPM(motorA)< 100) 返回A电机的每分钟运行多少圈 。 { //Increasethe value of speed speed= speed + 1;
//Briefsleep period (2 milliseconds) sleep(2);
//Thenapply the value of speed to the motors //Thisshould cause the speed to 'ramp' up setMotorSpeed(motorA,speed); setMotorSpeed(motorD,speed); displayBigTextLine(2,"%d",getMotorSpeed(motorA));返回电机功率。 displayBigTextLine(4,"%d",getMotorSpeed(motorD)); displayBigTextLine(6,"%d",getMotorRPM(motorA)); } moveMotorTarget(motorA, 1000, 50);
//Keep looping until the motor stops moving repeatUntil(getMotorMoving(motorA) ==0); 电机转到一定的角度就停止。 { //Donothing (idle loop) }
getMotorMoving(motorA) 电机是否在移动。
setMotorSpeed(motorA,50); getMotorSpeed(motorA);
moveMotorTarget(MotorA,1000,50); getMotorMoving(motorA)==0
getMotorRunning(motorA) == 0 电机是否在运行。
int speedA=getMotorSpeed(motorA); 整形。A电机功率。
moveMotorTarget(motorA,1000,100); 以100的功率 向前转1000度。
moveMotorTarget(motorA,1000,100); waitUntilMotorStop(motorA);加了等电机a电机转好后在在继续向下运行。不加两个电机一起转。 moveMotorTarget(motorD,-1000,50); waitUntilMotorStop(motorD);
//Setsthe Left Motor to the left side of the drive train //Therobot should move forward for 1 rotation as expected nMotorDriveSide[leftMotor]= driveLeft; forward(1,rotation, 50);
//Setsthe Left Motor to the right side of the drive train //Thiswill cause undesired behavior from the forward command nMotorDriveSide[leftMotor]= driveRight; forward(1,rotation, 50);
setMotorBrakeMode(motorA, motorCoast);
//Set a motor target of 360 encoder counts setMotorTarget(motorA, 360, 0);
//Wait until the motor has reached itstarget and stops waitUntilMotorStop(motorA);
//Tell the program to sleep for 1000ms (1second) //Check the encoder value in the debugger sleep(1000);
//Resets the motor encoder to 0 resetMotorEncoder(motorA);
//The motor will now Brake(resistsmovement) setMotorBrakeMode(motorA, motorBrake);
//Set a motor target of 360 encoder counts setMotorTarget(motorA, 360, 0);
//Wait until the motor has reached itstarget and stops waitUntilMotorStop(motorA);
//Tell the program to sleep for 1000ms (1second) //Check the encoder value in the debugger sleep(1000);
//Set motor to be reversed setMotorReversed(motorA, true); 设置A电机反转为真。
//The motor runs counter-clockwise withpositive speeds (reversed) setMotorSpeed(motorA, 50);
//Set motor to not be reversed setMotorReversed(motorA, false); 设置电机反转为假。
//The motor runs clockwise with positivespeeds (normal) setMotorSpeed(motorA, 50);
//Sets the speed value of motor motor portA to full forward (+100) setMotorSpeed(motorA, 100); 设置电机功率100 的速度。 //Halt program flow for 1000ms (1 second) sleep(1000);
//Sets the speed value of motor motor port Ato half-speed backwards (-50) setMotorSpeed(motorA, -50);倒着电机速度。 //Halt program flow for 1000ms (1 second) sleep(1000);
//Sets the speed value of motor motor port Ato stopped (0) setMotorSpeed(motorA, 0);停止电机 //Halt program flow for 1000ms (1 second) sleep(1000);
//Synchs left and right motor at 50 turnratio //at power level 60 for 1 second setMotorSync(leftMotor, rightMotor, 0, 60); sleep(1000);
//Synchs left and right motor at 50 turnratio //at power level 60 for 1 second setMotorSync(leftMotor, rightMotor, 50,60); sleep(1000);
//Synchs left and right motor at 50 turnratio //at power level 60 for 1 second setMotorSync(leftMotor, rightMotor, 100,60); sleep(1000);
#pragma config(Sensor, S1, touchSensor, sensorEV3_Touch) #pragma config(Sensor, S2, gyroSensor, sensorEV3_Gyro, modeEV3Gyro_RateAndAngle) #pragma config(Sensor, S3, colorSensor, sensorEV3_Color, modeEV3Color_Color) #pragma config(Sensor, S4, sonarSensor, sensorEV3_Ultrasonic) #pragma config(Motor, motorA, armMotor,tmotorEV3_Large, PIDControl, encoder) #pragma config(Motor, motorB, leftMotor,tmotorEV3_Large, PIDControl, driveLeft, encoder) #pragma config(Motor, motorC, rightMotor,tmotorEV3_Large, PIDControl, driveRight, encoder) //*!!Code automatically generated by'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*// 该 pragma 伪指令具有以下形式
task main() { //Sets the LeftMotor to the left side of the drive train //Therobot should move forward for 1 rotation as expected nMotorDriveSide[leftMotor]= driveLeft;
//Setsthe Left Motor to the right side of the drive train //Thiswill cause undesired behavior from the forward command nMotorDriveSide[leftMotor]= driveRight;
setMotorSync(leftMotor,rightMotor,0,60);双电机同步。 0直走。100掉头。 sleep(1000); setMotorSync(leftMotor,rightMotor,50,60); 左电机 右电机 电机转向。功率。
} setMotorSyncEncoder(leftMotor,rightMotor,0,360,50);双电机直行同步运行360度。以功率50 waitUntilMotorStop(leftMotor);一定要等电机停止后才可以运行下一步。
setMotorSyncEncoder(leftMotor,rightMotor,100,360,50);双电机掉头。360度,电机50功率 setMotorSyncEncoder(motorB,motorC,0,360,50); 同步电机也可以motorA motorB. waitUntilMotorStop(leftMotor);等待电机停止后可以运行。
setMotorSyncEncoder(motorB,motorC,100,360,50); waitUntilMotorStop(rightMotor); setMotorSync(leftMotor,rightMotor,0,50); sleep(2000);
setMotorSyncTime(motorB,motorC,0,1000,50); 同步电机BC 直行,1秒,功率50 waitUntilMotorStop(rightMotor);等待电机停止。 setMotorSyncTime(motorB,motorC,100,1000,50);同步电机BC掉头。1秒。功率50。
//Sets the motorA's target to 1000 encodercounts at a speed value of 50 setMotorTarget(motorA, 1000, 50);设置A电机转1000度功率50 moveMotorTarget(motorA,1000, 50); //Holds program flow until the motor on motorport A comes to a complete stop. waitUntilMotorStop(motorA);等电机停止后在继续运行。
displayCenteredBigTextLine(3,"%d",getColorAmbient(S3)); 环境光。0到100。 displayCenteredBigTextLine(3,"%d",getColorReflected(S3)); 反射光。Short类型。 displayCenteredBigTextLine(3,"%d",getColorHue(S3));返回0。360的颜色。
getColorRGB(S3,r,g,b); 返回RGB三色。 displayCenteredBigTextLine(2,"R=%d",r); displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"G=%d",g); displayCenteredBigTextLine(6,"B=%d",b); displayCenteredBigTextLine(8,"Hue=%d",getColorHue(S3)); sleep(50);
int threshold = 50; while(true) { //Ifthe color sensor senses the line (a dark value //lowerthan the calculated threshold of 50): if(getColorReflected(S3) < threshold) { setMotorSpeed(motorC, 50); setMotorSpeed(motorB,0); } else { setMotorSpeed(motorC,0); setMotorSpeed(motorB,50); } }
intco=0; while(1) { co=getColorName(S3); 返回色彩名,0 到7 个色彩。, displayCenteredBigTextLine(2,"%d",co); switch(co) { case 0: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorNone"); break; case 1: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorBlack"); break; case 2: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorBlue"); break; case 3: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorGreen"); break; case 4: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorYellow"); break; case 5: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorRed"); break; case 6: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorWhite"); break; case 7: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"colorBrown"); break; default: displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"color no"); } sleep(50); }
getColorSaturation(S3) 返回色采饱和度。0 到100;
dis=getUSDistance(S4); 返回超升波的距离
repeatUntil(0) constant '0'. Loop will never exit.
resetGyro(S2); 重置陀螺仪,
repeatUntil(getGyroDegrees(S2) > 90) 陀螺仪反回角度。 { setMotorSpeed(motorC,-50); setMotorSpeed(motorB,50); } //Stop the motors at the end of the turn setMotorSpeed(motorB, 0); setMotorSpeed(motorC, 0);
displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"%d",getGyroDegrees(S2)); 返回 角度 displayCenteredBigTextLine(6,"%d",getGyroHeading(S2));返回增加减少了多少角度。
getIRBeaconDirection(S4) 信标方向 if(getIRBeaconDirection(S4) > 5) { //TurnRight setMotorSpeed(leftMotor,50); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor,-50); } //Ifthe IR sensor (port 4) sees a beacon to the left (negative) elseif(getIRBeaconDirection(S4) < -5) { //TurnLeft setMotorSpeed(leftMotor,-50); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor,50); } //Otherwise,move forward else { //MoveForward setMotorSpeed(leftMotor,50); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor,50); } }//跟着信标走。
//While the IR beacon's signal strength isless than 20 while(getIRBeaconStrength(S4) < 20) { //Spinin place (seek the beacon) setMotorSpeed(leftMotor,50); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor,-50); }//跟着IR信标走。
while(getIRDistance(S4) > 45) 测试红外距离。 { //Keepmoving forward setMotorSpeed(leftMotor,50); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor,50); }
//Stop the robot setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, 0); setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, 0);
getIRRemoteButtons(S4) getIRRemoteChannelButtons(S4, 1)
resetBumpedValue(S1); 重置触动传感器。 repeatUntil(getBumpedValue(S1)==15) 触动传感器。按一下加一。 { displayCenteredBigTextLine(2,"%d",getBumpedValue(S1)); resetBumpedValue(S1); repeatUntil(getBumpedValue(S1)==15) { displayCenteredBigTextLine(2,"%d",getBumpedValue(S1)); displayCenteredBigTextLine(4,"%d",getTouchValue(S1));按下为1 没有按为0 } ,SensorRaw(S4)返回原始传感器的数值。
SensorType(S1) = sensorEV3_Touch; 设置传感器类型。
while(true) //Infinite loop: { //display "Sensor Value: ##" displayCenteredBigTextLine(3,"SensorValue: %d",sensorValue(S1));
eraseDisplay(); }
//Clear the sound buffer clearSounds(); 停止声音 •Values range from 0 to 100 (percentages) setSystemVolume(75);声音大小 speakerVolume = getVolume(); 得到声音大小。 PlayImmediateTone(440, 50); wait1Msec(200); playSound(soundBeepBeep); displayCenteredBigTextLine(2,"%d",getSoundVolume()); playSound(soundBeepBeep); sleep(1000); //playSound(soundBlip); sleep(1000); playSound(soundDownwardTones); sleep(1000); //playSound(soundException); sleep(1000); //playSound(soundFastUpwardTones); sleep(1000); playSound(soundLowBuzz); sleep(1000); playSound(soundShortBlip); sleep(1000); //playSound(soundUpwardTones);
◦C:\Program Files (x86)\RobomatterInc\ROBOTC Development Environment 4.X\EV3 System Files\Sounds
playSoundFile("Bravo"); playTone(784, 15);
task control
// Aborts the current time slice of the task abortTimeslice();
// Suspend every other task and focus 100%of the CPU on the current task hogCPU();
int myPriority = 100; //Sets 'mypriority' to 7 (default) 默认7 最高255。任务优先级。
myPriority = kDefaultTaskPriority; myPriority =kHighPriority;最高255 myPriority =kLowPriority;最低为0; // Assigns the current task with a priorityof 100 nSchedulePriority = 100; // Resume other tasks and return control tothe task scheduler •It cancelsthe effect of a previous HogCPU() function call. releaseCPU(); // Starts the task named"MoveArm" with a priorty of 10 startTask(MoveArm, 10);任务名,优先级10l // Stops all tasks currently running andexits the current program stopAllTasks(); // Stops the task named "MoveArm" stopTask(MoveArm); int threshold = 600; clearTimer(T1); // Resets timer T1 to startcounting at 0 while(time1[T1] < 10000) // Loops code while timer T1 has counted lessthan 10 seconds { if(getColorValue(lineDetector) <threshold) { // counter-steer right: setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, 50); //Set the leftMotor (motor1) tohalf power (50) setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, 0); //Set the rightMotor (motor6) to off (0) } else { //counter-steer left: setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, 0); //Set the leftMotor (motor1) tooff (0) setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, 50); //Set the rightMotor (motor6) to half power(50) } } } delay(1000);
// Stores the current value of nPgmTime toa variable
varPgmTime = nPgmTime; // Stores the current value of nSysTime toa variable
varSysTime = nSysTime; sleep(1000);
//Sets the robot to drive forward bysetting ports A, B, C, and D at half speed for 1 second setMultipleMotors(50, motorB, motorC); wait(1); stopMultipleMotors(motorB, motorC); //Stops all of the motors attached to theEV3 stopAllMotors(); //To set motor A to speed -50 for 0.5seconds: setMotor(motorA, -50); wait(0.5); stopMotor(port8);//stops motor stopMultipleMotors(rightMotor, leftMotor,armMotor); resetTimer(T1); while(getTimer(T1,milliseconds)<2000){ } stopAllmotors();c