CUDA error: Launch failed in cuCtxSynchronize(), line 2823
Possible solutions to the CUDA errors:
1. Update the graphic driver to the latest version.
2. Reboot the operating system to apply the registry changes.
3. Reinstall the Eyesight renderer and reboot the operation system.
CUDA error: Launch failed in cuCtxSynchronize(), line 2823
Possible solutions to the CUDA errors:
1. Update the graphic driver to the latest version.
2. Reboot the operating system to apply the registry changes.
3. Reinstall the Eyesight renderer and reboot the operation system.
CUDA error: Launch failed in cuMemcpyDtoH((uchar*)mem.host_pointer + offset, (CUdeviceptr)(mem.device_pointer + offset), size), line 1261
CUDA error: Launch failed in cuMemcpyDtoH((uchar*)mem.host_pointer + offset, (CUdeviceptr)(mem.device_pointer + offset), size), line 1261
Could not create log file: File exists
COULD NOT CREATE LOGFILE '20191208-001820.8732'!
E1208 00:18:20.152264 5008 eyesight_standalone.cpp:2866] The simulation terminates abnormally.
Press any button to terminate.