发表于 2014-3-14 12:30:17
Brian Bouffard
Very Cool Video!, But can you please explain why you had to add a Power Function Batter Back to the mix? Is the EV3 unable to provide the adequate amount of power using one of the old NXT 2.0 conversion cables? I know in the past I was able to use the XL and Md motors in this way. is the Servo Motor somehow different? Thank you again for the great video! I am just wanting to learn a bit more about your process and why.
thanks! as you know, power function motor like general DC motor, use 2 lines (C1, C2) can be fully controlled (forward, backward, float and brake).
but the Power Functions Servo Motor NOT like DC motor, it need total 4 lines, a fix 9V power supply (POWER, GND) and a PWM signal (C1, C2) to control the degree.
so, my demo use EV3 output a PWM signal (C1, C2) to the Servo, and use Power Functions Battery to provide fix 9V power.
the PWM signal will be C1=+9V, C2=GND or C1=GND, C2=+9V...etc, so it cannot used as fix power supply to the Servo Motor.
Brian Bouffard
Thank you so much for the explanation.
And so very fast! It may take me a day or two to completely understand.
But I think I got it.
Now can this be plugged into only the motor sports?
Or can it be used as an additional motor. I.E 5 Motors using one of the sensor ports.
Thank you again. for the info..
this connection only for power functions servo motor.
but the output ports of EV3 not only can drive motor.
you can take a look another video for the connection of control normal power functions motor,
the you can drive other actuator (within the EV3 output port current limit), such as relay, LED, bulb, linear actuator.
kuuwee coey
Cool. I don't know what I'm doing. It would be cool if someone made these. But I might try it anyways
Feel free to contact me if you have any problems :)
Alain Bruneau
I do use more then 4 motors on some applications by using the Mindsensor Mux but that is not the reason since it has a power input.. It is for a small app with 1 or 2 XL PF motors, I just wanted the EV3 batt to last longer (when no Mux are available and the EV3 hard to access). ;)
Alain Bruneau
Can you take this conversion cable to control PF motor instead of the one in the other video to use the battery pack power, not the EV3 one?
This conversion cable cannot, normal PF motor only used 2 pins (C1, C2) for control and they directly conntected to EV3.
You want to use more motors/current on single EV3 port?
Kimura Kaori
А на русском языке есть что то о Lego?
да, лего сайт имеет русский слишком
Ross Crawford
Can you use the POWER & GND from EV3 to 9V & GND on servo, so battery box is not needed?
the POWER & GND from EV3 (pin 4 & 3) supply 5V and limited current only, should be cannot connect on servo directly